Wednesday, January 14, 2009

It's been a while . . .

Do You Like Tomato Red? Yes. I know that it has been a while since I have posted to this site. I am so excited to talk to you that I won't even stop to look up words I don't know in the 'diction-airy'. (I will write them by sound). Anyway you may think that I have been on a 'hi-eight-us' from painting. Actually I have been running (or ruining) several blogs. Just like an octopus I have 'tent-ankles' everywhere. In order to get my toe back in the water, here is a painting I have put on Ebay today.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

I'm off!! That is . . . to Paris!

Well, after a year of campaigning the four votes are in. So, here’s the story. Remember when I said that the IRS wanted to see me after the art show? Well, that’s when I decided to flee - I mean vacation - in Paris. Before I left for 'vacation' it was discovered that it was someone else who made a nice little profit when they took my name off of my paintings and put them on their paintings and they took their name off of their paintings and put them on my paintings. Well the IRS thought that it was either this guy (see photo #1 in previous post) or this guy (see photo #2 in previous post) or these guys (see photo #3 in previous post). After a thorough investigation they found out that it was #2. That's right - it was the precocious perpendicular puppy Pookie. Because of the magnitude of his crime, the government has decided to throw the bowl at him. They are going to prosecute the precocious perpendicular puppy Pookie to the fullest extent of the law. Although he told them that that were 'barking up the wrong tree' and he wouldn't 'sit', 'roll over' , or 'pee on the paper', they feel that Pookie was actually being controlled by. . . (all I can say at this point is - can the commenter's of the previous post testify as to their whereabouts?) . . . so, until the dust settles I’m off to Paris (Texas) to study with my friend Degas. . .

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

What do Rembrandt, a pooch named 'Pookie' and The Daily Painters have in common?

Can you answer this question? What do Rembrandt, a pooch named 'Pookie' and The Daily Painters have in common? Clues in the last two posts. Type in your guess. You may be right! The answer is coming soon!

Photo out of context Act 1

"My best advice for a young artist Timmy? Listen to your parents, pay attention in school, practice your artwork - even if it's just a little - every day - and especially watch out for Miss Jane. She will take her name off of her paintings and put them on your paintings and she will take your name off of your paintings and put them on her paintings."

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Will The Real Miss Jane Please Stand Out . . .

Dear Miss Jane,
We heard that you were at an art show this weekend. We are dying to see what you look like. May we see a photograph of the event? Love, 'Your Fans', The IRS

Dear 'Fans',
Here it is! I am the one in the middle, way in the back. Love, Jane

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Taken out of context . . . Act 3

Hi Jane,
I saw your paintings today, or better tonight, because I woke up at 2 O'clock in the morning and I read your blog. Are you ill? . . . Anyway . . . Lets go to the point. I studied Art in Vienna Austria In 1946. . . . I like your style colorful and strong. If you would accept me to give you a few ideas how to improve your art work, I would say that you should try to see from which side the light is coming, or if you have a front light, you place it on one side. . . . Your work is very good but I suggest that you learn some of the basics, like composition and illumination. Hoping that I did not offend you with my comment. Wishing you success and happiness. . .
Dear Malevich,
You almost had me there. I knew that it was you because your letters always remind me of ham sandwiches. I know that you want to help me despite our differences because of the ‘code of the artists’. So thank you and good looking out. Miss Jane